
Celebrating Founders Day!

On Founders’ Day (February 22nd in Ireland), Scouts around the world celebrate the birthday of the scouting movement’s founder; Robert Baden-Powell. 112 years ago the scouting movement was founded and has grown into one of the largest youth movements in the world!

So, why is the scouting movement still so relevant today?

Baden-Powell’s vision was simple:

leave this world a little better than you found it

Robert baden-powell, Founder of the scouting movement

The Scout Promise is our collective commitment through scouting to make the world a better place. Through our duty to self, others and something bigger than ourselves, our promise reminds us of the responsibility we all have to take positive action in our communities.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a framework of education and action that encourage us to remember what scouting is all about. The World Organization of the Scouting Movement have aligned scouting with these goals to help keep the vision of Baden-Powell alive and relevant in the world we live in today.

Did you know?

  • Scouts have contributed over 2 billion hours of service towards achieving the SDGs!
  • There are over 54 million Scouts making the world’s largest coordinated youth contribution to the SDGs!
  • Scouting and Guiding have been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for global contribution towards peace and dialogue!

Mark the occasion!

For Founders Day, why not carry out an activity that links with Baden-Powell’s vision for a better world? You can find some inspiration here via the Better World programme. Check out the awards here you could apply for as recognition of your efforts towards scouting for a better world.