Beavers - 6years+Cubs - 9years+Rovers - 18years+Scouts - 12years+Ventures - 15years+

The Scouting Experience

A young person experiences Scouting in many ways. It is a combination of different experiences and interactions that present the game of Scouting to young people. In the current COVID crisis it provides all sections with the opportunity to review the Scouting experience. Scouting is a lived experience highlighted in outdoor activity and camping. The intensity of the Scouting experience is the camping experience as presented in annual and weekend camps.

The outdoor environment is the Scouting environment and therefore we should exploit our programme by creating programmes that are based outdoors. If possible all ‘meet-ups’ should be held at the weekend in local parks or open spaces ( there are no restrictions in these space other than a grouping of 15 people or multiples of 15 with suitable social distancing). Weather is only a problem if you have the wrong clothing and Scouts are supposed to be prepared.

So, the focus should be, in the main, centered around outdoor meetups and activity. A young person, therefore, has the potential to experience Scouting for 360 hours a year or approx. 24 – 30 hours a month.