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Scouting at Home

We at Scouting Ireland are making sure our members are supported while activities are suspended during this current pandemic! The Programme Service Department is doing this by creating new programme resources on a regular basis. We will use this page to share resources, actions and fun activities YOU can do while not physically meeting for your scout meeting! We invite Scouts, Scouters and Parents from all our members to submit ideas to be posted here, this is a time where we must help and support each other so let’s get creative and use this as a space to inspire each other during this tough time. Stay safe and stay scouting!

Resources and Supports from around the Globe:

An impressive range of educational materials and fun ideas have been developed in no time by most National Scout Organizations, across Europe. Below is a non-exhaustive list of resources developed so far:

  • Austria: A series of tips and ideas to continue doing Scouting from home:
  • Belgium: From tips to leaders on how to manage a Scout unit remotely to home-based Scouting activities for inspiration, Les Scouts have provided their members with plenty of resources
  • The Flemish Scouts have also been active and managed to gather an impressive community of 45.000 members on Facebook group (, who take part every weekend in various fun activities and games.
  • Czechia: 10 programme tips for parents to organize home activities for their children​​​​​​
  • France: “L’Explorêve”, an immersive digital educational game designed by the French Scouts and target Scouts aged 11+. It is composed of several steps, stretching over several weeks. Check it out here 
  • Finland: The Finish National Scout Organisation, Guides and Scouts of Finland developed weekly thematic activities and tailored them based on the age group of its members. (
  • Germany: The Scouts have launched a Scouting Never Ends blog, containing a variety of educational and fun activities that can be done at home, find out more here
  • Greece: In sunny Greece, the Scouts called for indoor actions ( as well. From joining the Earth Hour campaign to building a bird feeder for the balcony of their home, together with their parents. 
  • Iceland: a range of activity ideas under the theme of “Together in Quarantine”, in addition to a series of precaution information about the virus
  • Israel: Israeli Scouts developed a wide range of activities, materials and toolkits for Scout leaders on how to make the best use of online meeting tools such as: Zoom and stay connected. The programme’s name is entitled: “Scouts for All (situations)” or, “צופים לכל (מצב)”.  (
  • Portugal: The Portuguese Scouts have used YouTube videos ( to entertain their community and help them participate from home. They have also started a cartoon series (
  • Poland: A regular Facebook live streaming programme called ZHP 360 capturing different essential information about the virus, Do-it-Yourself face masks and other useful materials. Find out more about the web tv programme here 
  • Malta: Scouts in Malta have been taking part in a number of  ‘Stay at Home’ challenges organised by their NSO, such as: Instagram quizzes, Facebook competitions or fun challenges to do with family indoors (
  • The Netherlands: Individual Scout groups organize weekly and even daily activities for Scouts that can be done at home, such as making campfires in their backyards, following a badge programme or crafting cards for the elderly in retirement homes. (
  • North Macedonia: Sojuz na izvidnici na Makedonija (from North Macedonia) also started a new online program where they created multiple educational and fun activities while launching a 30-day Scout challenge. ( 
  • Spain: creating video content ( for their members and encouraging them to stay active even in times of isolation. Moreover, a cartoon series ( was created to inform about the virus and how to prevent its spread and stay safe.
  • Switzerland: This group in Switzerland has been suggesting an activity to do at home every single day since the start of the lockdown on their Facebook page:
    • While the National Scout Organisation prepared some useful materials on the following page:
  • Slovenia: a heap of useful materials can be found here ( They mainly target children and youth to help them get through the days of quarantine when schools are closed.
  • UK: The UK Scouts have just launched the Great Indoors initiative ( which is a collection of over 100 fun free activities for parents to do at home. to keep their kids busy and help them learn new skills.